Monday, April 25, 2011

Walgreens, CVS & Wal-Mart Deals!

After church and the egg hunt on Sunday we got some lunch. I talked the Daddy and the boys
into letting me stop in at Walgreens to snag a few items. I know that if you wait to late in the week the deals are usually gone. They had a register reward deal going on that I didn't want to miss! I also had a couple of register rewards that were going to expire Monday and I certainly didn't want to lose those! :) I did separate transactions so that I could get multiple rewards! I got $2.99 on each stayfree - plus I used a $1 off coupon on each so money maker there!!!

Nature made vitamins are B1G1F and I had two $7 off one coupons that I earned on the website. So I got two bottles of Cholest off for $6! Awesome!!!! $3 a bottle is a lot better than $19.99!

After Walgreens I convinced them to stop at CVS as well...hehe!
I was really glad I stopped at CVS on Sunday! They had Dove Men's deodorant on sale for .99! A steal on it's own - well I just happened to have four $1 off coupons - so I got four for FREE!!! Oh Yeah! Well the funny thing is - someone had almost cleared the shelves! There was four left, so I grabbed them quick! I am not sure when they get their trucks in but I am thinking they need to stock more of their sale items! I also got Blink eye drops using a $1 coupon and got $7.99 extra bucks! Yeah!!! The Biore products were on sale for $7 and I had buy 1 strips get 1 cleanser free - and I got $5 in extra bucks for each four items I bought ($10 EB in all). Basically I paid $2.25 each! I also got M&M's using a B2G1F coupon along with the B2G1F sale that CVS has on this week so I got 15 bags for the price of 5! Yeah! Stashing these away for a rainy day!

Today my sweet hubby took the boys to the gym and I got to shop Wal-Mart kid free! Woo-Hoo! It doesn't happen often, but when it does oh boy oh boy I love it! Don't get me wrong I love my kiddos, but man it always takes longer when they are with me! I picked up some good deals and save $99.10 with my ads and coupons! Woo-Hoo! And I have to say that if you shop the Midlothian Wal-Mart - Monday morning is the day to go - it's quiet and look for a cashier named Rebecca - she is spectacular, sweet and coupon friendly!!! :)

Here are some of the good deals I got! I matched an ad for Pop Tarts and used a $1/3 coupon so I got a great deal! $1.75 - .33 = $1.42 each! I also matched an ad for BBQ sauce - it was .79 versus the $1.28 wal-mart price! And I had coupons for .50 off each bottle so I actually paid .29 each! Woo-Hoo! Summer BBQ!

Here you see my two FREE cheese sticks - that I actually made .07 cents each on! The cake mix was on sale for .88 with an ad match and I used a coupon for .75 cent off a mix and icing combo - so I got a good deal 1.75 for both items or .88 cents each! I was also very excited that I found a cake mix that didn't have milk in it. Yeah! The coffee was $1! Woo-Hoo! I matched an ad and used a $2/1 coupon! The dan-a-nino was .88 each. I matched an ad and used $1/1 coupons - score!

I also stocked up on veggies using a $1/2 coupon - Wal-Mart had a roll back so they are now only $1 - sweet deal - .50 a bag! I love Steamers!

I stocked us up on our favorite go to food - hot dogs! I matched an ad for .78 each and used my $1/2 coupons so I snagged them for .28 a package - can't beat that deal!

These are the 2 packs of Purex 3-n-1 sheets. I love these things, but am too cheap...ummmm frugel, to pay full price. But I got these - all 21 of them for FREE! Actually wal-mart paid me .03 each to take them out of the store...can't be that!

Oh my favorite condiment...Miracle Whip - ad match for $1.99 and a coupon for $1/2 - so $1.49 a jar! Can't beat that!!! Even better that all six jars had .50 cent coupon stuck to it!

Sprouts had a great apple sale this week - .88 a pound - I saved over $3.50 using the ad match! Yummy!

I even got Hubby a couple of cucumbers for .39 off the wal-mart price using an ad match! Can't beat that!

I matched an ad for Quaker bars - $1.99 plus I used a $1/2 coupon so I got them for $1.49 each! Love it!!!

I matched an ad for Imperial Sugar - $2 each and used a .50 coupon and got them for $1.50 a bag - got 6 at that price!

The flour was also an ad match. .99 a bag so I picked up four!

Have you ever tried a Chocolate Chip Eggo? Oh my goodness if you haven't- you don't know what you are missing!!! It's like a dessert or something - awesome, spectacular, wonderful! Okay back to my matched an ad for $1.88 and then used a $2/3 coupon. I grabbed some French Toast Sticks for Bug - his fav and regular Eggos for Red - his fav!

Of course Wal-Mart has all of their Easter goodies on half I snagged some goodies for our geocaching box as well as a 6 pack of plaster animals to paint for the art box.

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